I thought I’d read that Winston had already resigned. He’s still hanging on?At the Privileges Committee hearing today, it became blindingly clear that Peters and his lawyer are shifting stories as fast as they can, for everyone except Helen Clark, it seems . So yes, he’s still there, pin dancing aw#;8He&a.217ys no longer acting as a Minister, but he has not yet resigned his warrants, and he still getting his ministerial salary. Helen Clark is acting in his roles (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister for Racing).
Opiniónes (4)
Deejay 16. feb 2017 a la/s 23:14
Thanks for cobiutnrting. It's helped me understand the issues.
Alexandra 11. feb 2017 a la/s 18:02
How neat! Is it really this silemp? You make it look easy.
Hayle 10. feb 2017 a la/s 4:22
I thought I’d read that Winston had already resigned. He’s still hanging on?At the Privileges Committee hearing today, it became blindingly clear that Peters and his lawyer are shifting stories as fast as they can, for everyone except Helen Clark, it seems . So yes, he’s still there, pin dancing aw#;8He&a.217ys no longer acting as a Minister, but he has not yet resigned his warrants, and he still getting his ministerial salary. Helen Clark is acting in his roles (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister for Racing).
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